Sunday, January 25, 2009

A few photos from March for Life 2009

Peter and John await the march while checking out the horses...

We were on the outskirts of the rally while listening to several speakers and feeding the kids lots of snacks...
Capitol in the background.
We marched up past the Capitol and around the back side to the Supreme Court.
Another view from where we stood during the rally. People were everywhere.
The news did not do it justice.

Different new sources have reported different numbers as to how many people actually attended the march. I think the most accurate would be the Philadelphia Bulletin when they stated "hundreds of thousands." Every other news source stated thousands or tens of thousands. People were stretched further than we could see. While we marched, we could not see the beginning nor the end of the our peaceful demonstration.


Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

Anonymous said...

I marched in DC back in 1993 and remember is being 1) under-reported and 2) an amazing experience. I'm glad your family could be there to support Life!

Anonymous said...

These are great pictures--especially the family shot of you all! You are inspiring to everyone. You are always in our prayers...we miss you, and can't believe we still haven't met more than half of your kids! That makes me sad, but I'm so glad to read updates and watch them grow here on your blog. Love, Stephie