Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The excitement in our home is overflowing into everything. Disney World is right around the corner and it is making schoolwork, general obedience, normal routines and Moma all a little nuts! But I am excited too. I am ready to pack and have my list made. The children are upstairs in bed and, with permission, all chatting about what they want to pack. As it goes, what they want to pack is totally typical of my kids.
Ashley-Her princess clothing according to types that Mom has listed (ie jeans, shorts, t's)
Abigail-Whatever Big Sis is packing of course!
John-"We gonna have snacks!"
Big D-Whatever car is important at that moment needs to come see Mickey Mouse as well as "blue" (his blanket) and sheep (his new stuffed animal from the mattress store)
Peter has been out of town, so I have just been doing all I can to get a jump on next weeks schoolwork and haven't pulled out luggage as of yet. I don't want Grammar, History, Science or Latin hanging over my head. But sweet Pete is home tonight and Moma is taking D to shop for the "snacks" tomorrow, then starting the packing. Yea!
I have to tell you...I am overly organized when packing. My husbands motto is: "If you wait til the last minute it only takes a minute!" That just doesn't cut it for me and actually stresses me out---but that is where we balance each other so well. So, when I pack I have to lay out my jeans with the 2 or 3 shirts I intend to wear with them. Then lay out my shorts with the tops for those, etc. Then I plan which shoes go with which outfit. After I have everything laid out I pull everything out but the bare necessities and manage to get a weeks worth of clothing and one pair of shoes into a carry-on bag. Wha-la! Then I ask my husband to pack whatever last minute leftovers need to get "thrown in!" ;)
See, balance!


athomeinmont said...

Have a ball on your big trip! I just introduced my Megan to your blog and showed her your family pic...she's learning your kids names and how we are related. She knows our hopes for adoption and asked if any of your kids were adopted! So sweet, I look forward to our kids knowing one another!!

60 toes said...

I am so glad that you found us!!!

Have fun on your trip.