Sunday, March 1, 2009

Winter Storm 2009

As I write this we are "bracing" for the biggest snow fall in our parts since 1996. That was a good year. Peter and I were renting a one bedroom apartment that was attached to my grandparents house. It was originally built for my great-grandparents and I was privileged to see them live there for many years. Isn't that a great example of how to treat your parents? I am not sure that either of our parents will want to move in with us one day, but that is the plan as far as Peter and I are concerned.
The snow fell in buckets for two strait days that year. We sat on my grandparents porch eating snacks, playing dominoes and attempting to learn pinochle (it's 2009 and I still am not sure how to play that game!). By the end of it we had about 18 inches of snow.
My grandparents are still alive and I am blessed to once again live near them. I called them this morning, as I was thinking about the pending storm, to share with them my great memory of that snow storm, but they had already left for their timeshare vacation to Florida. I guess for them they left just in time! After I hung up I questioned the children about why I would call my grandparents even though I assumed they would not be there. I wanted my children to understand that I love my grandparents and was showing love to them by remembering a special time. I knew my grandparents would enjoy the memory. We discussed how we can show love to one another in our family and each talked about the little things we had already done for one another that morning to show love. A few had not had much interaction yet as we had had a busy morning of getting ready and heading out the door for church. Those who had not interacted were going to plan a way to show love to the other.
How are you going to show love to those who share your home today? Remember, it takes 5 positive things for every 1 negative thing for someone to feel as though you love them. This goes for your spouse as well as your children.

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